Wednesday, April 28, 2010

new gmail account

In this world really will have many many people that having the same name. I just want to create a gmail account using my name but it is not available because already existed. However, not everyone that having the same name will born on the same day in the world. Therefore I have to concatenate my name with my birthday to have an available email address.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Please remember and do these to your parents...

The article below is copy from somewhere else through facebook. I found that it is very touching. My tears are dropped nonstop while reading and translating it especially reached the parts after the 39 things that we have to do while parents alive. Hope the English version translation is correct.

我们要为父母生前做的39件事 (39 things that We have to do while parents alive)
第1件: 定期带父母去做体检 (to do body check up with parents regularly)
第2件:父母的零花钱不能少 (parents' pocket money cannot be less)
第3件:帮父母完成年轻时未完成的梦想 (help parents complete their youth unfinished dream)
第4件:陪父母重游故地 (accompany parents visit their old haunt)
第5件:与父母一起拜访他们的朋友 (with parents to visit their friends)
第6件:经常给父母拍照 (often take photos with parents)
第7件:跟父亲做交心的沟通 (communicate with father with heartful)
第8件:带父母去旅行 (travel with parents)
第9件:认真回复父母的短信 (reply parents' message seriously)
第10件:经常带着爱人回家 (bring your lover to home frequently)
第11件:为父母举办生日宴会 (have a birthday party for parents)
第12件:亲自给父母做饭 (cook for parents)
第13件:解开父母的心结 (unlock parents knot)
第14件:每周给父母打个电话 (call parents weekly)
第15件:对父母的爱要说出口 (tell parents your love to them)
第16件:要知道父母真正喜欢吃什么 (know what do your parents like to eat)
第17件:仔细倾听父母的往事 (listen to the past of your parents carefully)
第18件:带父母一起出席重要活动 (attend important event with parents)
第19件:节假日尽量与父母共度 (try to spend holidays with parents)
第20件:给单身父母找个伴 (find a companion for single parent)
第21件:请父母去吃大餐 (treat parents to have a fancy meal)
第22件:让父母对你有信心 (let parents have confidence to you)
第23件:带父母参观你的学校或公司 (bring parents to visit your school and company)
第24件:不要对父母指手画脚 (do not make indiscreet remarks or criticisms to parents)
第25件:带母亲去做美容 (bring mother to beauty shop)
第26件:为父母购买合适的保险 (purchase appropriate insurance for parents)
第27件:不要让父母看你的脸色 (do not show "black face" to parents)
第28件:和父母一起锻炼身体 (do exercise with parents)
第29件:让母亲穿得舒适 (let mother dress comfortable)
第30件:让父亲穿得体面 (let father wear decent)
第31件:和父母一起去唱卡拉OK (sing karaoke with parents)
第32件:送父母一个宠物 (give parents a pet)
第33件:教你的父母学会上网 (teach parents to surf internet)
第34件:鼓励父母设计家居环境 (encourage parents to design their living environment)
第35件:和父母一起做家庭大事件 (do household event with parents)
第36件:带父母看一场老电影 (watch a old movie with parents)
第37件:让父母经常见到孙子、孙女 (let parents meet their grandchilden frequently)
第38件:无条件支持父母的业余爱好 (unconditional support for parents hobbies)
第39件:适当参与父母的活动 (appropriate involvement in parents activities)

当你嫌弃你的父母时,请您读读这段话! (when you ignored your parents, try to read the sentences below)

我的孩子: (My children)
哪天 (someday)
如果你看到我日益老去 (if you notice I am getting older)
反映慢慢迟钝 (reaction become sluggish)
身体也渐渐不行时 (body become not working gradually)
请耐着性子试着了解我,理解我...... (Please have patient and try to understand me, understand me)

当我吃的脏兮兮 (When I get dirty while eating)
甚至已不会穿衣服时 (even do not know how to wear clothes)
不要嘲笑我 (Do not laugh me)
耐心一点 (Be patient)
记得我曾经花了多少时间教你这些事吗? (remember that how many time I have spent teaching you all these things)
如何好好的吃 好好的穿 (how to eat properly, wear properly)
如何面对你的生命中的第一次. (how to face the first time in your life)

当我一再从复 (when I have repeated again and again)
说着同样的事情时 (saying the same thing)
请你不要打断我 (please do not interrupt or stop me)
听我说小时侯 (listen to me when you were a kid)
我必须一遍又一遍的读着同样的故事 (I have to repeat and repeat reading the same story)
直到你静静的睡着. (until you were sleeping)

当与我交谈时 (when speaking with me)
忽然不知到该说什麽了 (suddenly I do not know what to say)
给我一些时间想想 (give me some time to think about it)
如果我还是无能为力 (if I still cannot do that)
不要紧张 (do not stress)
对我而言重要的不是说话 (for me the most important thing is not speaking with you)
而是能跟你在一起. (it is the time can be together with you)

当我不想洗澡时 (when I don't want to bath)
不要羞辱我 (do not insult me)
也不要责骂我 (do not scold me)
记得小时侯我曾经编出多少理由只为了哄你洗澡吗? (still remember while you were a kid I have to compile thousand of reasons to make you willing to bath)

我外出 (when I go out)
找不到家的时候 (when I cannot find the way to go back home)
请不要生气 (please do not angry)
也不要把我一个人扔在外边 (do not leave me outside)
慢慢带我回家 (bring me back to home slowly)
记得小时侯我曾经多少次因为你迷路而焦急的找你吗? (still remember while you were a kid I have spent how many time to find you anxiously when you are lost)

当我神智不清 (when I was mentally unclear)
不小心砸碎饭碗的时候 (when I was accidentally smashed the rice bowl)
请不要责骂我 (please do not scold me)
记得小时侯你曾经多少次把饭菜扔到地上吗? (still remember when you were a kid how many time have you throw the food on floor)

当我的腿不听使唤时 (when my legs lose of control and unable to walk)
请扶我一把 (please give me your hand)
就像我当初扶着你踏出人生的第一步. (As I did it for you when you gave the first step in your life)

当哪天我告诉你我不想再活下去了 (when someday I told you I do not want to live again)
不要生气 (do not angry)
总有一天你会了解 (one day you will understand me)
了解我已风烛残年来日可数. (understand that I only left few time to continue my life)

有一天你会发现 (one day you may be found that)
即使我有许多过错 (even I have many mistakes)
我总是尽我所能给你最好的. (but I was always trying to give you the best thing)

当我靠近你时 (when I close to you)
不要觉得感伤,生气或埋怨 (do not feel sad, angry or complain)
你要紧挨着我 (you must be closely to me)
如同当初我帮着你展开人生一样。。。(like the time I helped you to start your life...)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Gallery...

I was drawing all these drawings while I have the inspiration. I just draw out anything that is in my mind at that moment. Sometime I also do not know what will I draw, it just follow my feeling and inspiration. I enjoy drawing even I know that all my drawings are not outstanding. I will draw when I really free and with a peace and calm mindset. Hope you all will like my drawings but please do not ask me to explain every drawing to you. I also do not know how to explain. I just draw it out based on anything in my mindset at that moment.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tonight Finding

When the time I was not doing any code, I would like to take photo. Don't know why I really feel like very happy and enjoy when photographing. Just like the feeling. So long I have stopped taking photos since I was started to code my FYP application. Tonight I suddenly have the feeling want to capture something when I saw its was flying around. The photo below is my finding for tonight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

china entertainment websites stop services for 1 day...

Baidu, Sogou, Gougou... are the china entertainment based websites. Those are stopped services for 1 day on 21st April (today) because of the earthquake at Yushu in China. Those websites are standing in silent tribute for 1 day.

I was totally didn't notice the existing of this country and this news. After I browsed those website and planned to download song then saw the stop for services of 1 day message from those websites. At this moment I notice the earthquake of Yushu. I try to google search and find out any related info about this country. I found that on 14th April 2010 Yushu is happened 7.1 levels earthquake at 7.49am then it is continued occurred with another 4 continuing earthquakes which are 4.8, 4.3, 3.8 and 6.3 levels. This is really a tragedy.

I really dislike the occurrence of natural disaster and I found that this is happened quite frequent in this recent months. Natural disaster is always causing a lot of people losing their family members. Why will this happen??? Is that because we (the human) are too selfish??? We cut down a lot of trees in jungles for developing... We use a lot chemical substances which are not environment friendly to our earth... We polluted the natural environment... We caused the natural environment life cycles changed...

Monday, April 19, 2010

First day of the final exam...

Today is the first day of the final exam for the first paper Theory of Computation. I am really did not understand about this subject well. However I had tried my best to answer it.

I have to wait until 29th April then will continue for my second exam. So what can I do now for such a long period? Rest, movie, facebook, sleep or study??? No, No, No.. I have to amend my FYP report and write my paper first then will have time to study... But I was started lazy now... Really felt like from the beginning until now almost the ending of the last semester in UMS still is busying... Really need to be busying until the last second in UMS. I will go back on 7th May after the last exam paper which is the Distributed Systems. It is the subject that I don't like the most and I know it is very difficult and impossible to get an A from this lecturer. Never and never...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The feeling after FYP viva

Finally past my Wednesday and finished my viva for FYP. However I didn’t want to write any comments about others. Just keep it in my heart because I already know what the rules of reality are. Sometimes in reality people do not know what they see might be wrong and what they are not seeing it is not as what they think.

I felt that the time for FYP viva is too short for me. Others might be thinking they want the shortest time to finish presenting it. However I am really hope I can present all the things that I had done for my FYP. I felt like quite disappointed even others think that is good enough. I am disappointed that I can’t show all the functions of my application and explain it clearly with all the techniques, algorithms and methods that I had been used. I like doctor level examiner and panels as well.

20 minutes is really too short for me. If I have another chance I will request for at least 45 minutes.


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