Friday, October 22, 2010

@ Lohas (22/10/10)

Today is the first time that I am going to try organic foods. Mostly in our mind set that organic food must be served all vegetables. However it is not...

Lohas is an organic food restaurant with the slogan of "Just Balance It". The foods in the restaurant are focused on the healthy lifestyle.

I really like the foods in Lohas and the price is reasonable. Even though is kid's meal but the portion is already big enough for ladies. The environment is very comfortable and the staffs are very friendly. Once you dine in, you will get a small cup of free lemongrass drink.
Lohas Menu (every dish is stated with its calories)
(Mixed Vegetables Juice - Green; Watermelon + Aloe Vera - Red)
(Kid's Meal: Fish Chop + Chicken Chop)
(Internet access for free + Wifi)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Having 3 days of steaks...

Stay at Kota Kinabalu for 6 days but 3 nights dinner are having steaks during the convocation....

First day (6/10/2010) at KK and has a small gathering with my ex-roomates.
I was having lamb chop.

On 9/10/2010, I was having dinner at the same place with my brother. The reason is the price of the steaks are reasonable and tasty. It is just a small restaurant at a quite hidden place.

My brother was having mixed steaks.

This is the grilled chicken chop that I ordered.

On 10/10/2010, after taking the family photos at studio, I was having dinner at Upperstar with my friends and my brother. Upperstar just like usually that crowded with customers.

After having chicken and lamb before, tonight I was ordered fish n chips...

This is the grilled chicken at Upperstar.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Convocation 09/10/10

Today I was finally graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Computer Science with honours (Software Engineering). This is the important day for me and my family's members. Unfortunenately, my father cannot attend my convocation due to health problem.

After convocation, I had to decide whether continue for my postgraduate or working. I really do not know how to make the decision. My mom has been persuaded me many times to further for postgraduate. Hopefully I can make decision after went back to Shah Alam.
(Bear from my family)
(Gift from ex-roomates)
(Grandpa, brother, and mummy)
(My ex-roomates that looked after and took care me - Jenny, Apple, Poh Ling, Shian Yee)
Just displayed some of the photos on my blog (Can see more at my facebook)...


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