Monday, October 11, 2010

Having 3 days of steaks...

Stay at Kota Kinabalu for 6 days but 3 nights dinner are having steaks during the convocation....

First day (6/10/2010) at KK and has a small gathering with my ex-roomates.
I was having lamb chop.

On 9/10/2010, I was having dinner at the same place with my brother. The reason is the price of the steaks are reasonable and tasty. It is just a small restaurant at a quite hidden place.

My brother was having mixed steaks.

This is the grilled chicken chop that I ordered.

On 10/10/2010, after taking the family photos at studio, I was having dinner at Upperstar with my friends and my brother. Upperstar just like usually that crowded with customers.

After having chicken and lamb before, tonight I was ordered fish n chips...

This is the grilled chicken at Upperstar.



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